#YouMakeMeWIN! - Nominating a fellow blogger, esteemed author for Blogadda WIN 15

You Make Me Win

There are many times in our lives when chance conversations lead  to something greater and usher in a new path, wonderful beginnings, oftentimes when you were least expecting such a pleasant surprise. Such was my chance conversation with author and avid blogger Chandrika Shubham which led me to start my journey of awakening my inner self through meditative bliss.

It is this wonderful lady, the author of three books on very deep, philosophical subjects namely; ‘Japa Mediation- The easiest way to calm the mind’, ‘Simple Vastu’ and ‘Saral Vastu’ that I would like to nominate for the #YouMakeMeWin; the activity hosted by Blogadda to nominate for the annual blogger awards. You can check out her blog at Chandrika Shubham : A reserved chit-chatter

I’d like use this opportunity to talk about Chandrika’s latest book on ‘Japa Meditation- The easiest way to calm the mind’. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, freedom from stress and living a happy life seem to be a Utopian dream. The challenges to finding your spot of calm in an ever demanding world are something that everyone can attest to. So what if you were given a step by step guide, which was so simple to follow, just like a conversation with a trusted friend or adviser?

Wouldn’t you jump at such a wonderful opportunity? This is exactly what this wonderful book is. A step by step guide to calming your mind, experiencing meditative bliss and improving the quality of your mental well being by following the guidelines outlined in this book.  The book has easy to understand and very relate-able anecdotes told in a very simple style that helps cement the concepts talked about.

Book authored by me on meditation!

Meditation is a very complex subject which most individuals find very hard to adopt in their daily lives. This book brings to the reader the basics, presents tried and tested methods and serves as a complete friend, philosopher and spiritual guide. If you want to experience the benefits of greater mind control, increase your concentration and improve your general levels of happiness then this book is for you. 

Another aspect that I found worth mentioning was that the author has laid special emphasis on inculcating these values in children as well. She talks about various mind control exercises when practiced lead to greater focus and concentration in children which I’m sure would be a boon in terms of improving attention levels toward studies and arming children form a very young age to develop an inherent coping mechanism with stress and challenges.

I’ve written this poem below which brings out the essence of this amazing book in a few lines.

The guide to ultimate peace of mind
Break away from stress of every kind

Adopt the path to self realization
With the age old secrets of meditation

Begin your journey of meditative bliss
Age old wisdom simplified in easy to understand tips

Awaken your inner self
A positive way of life for yourself

Light up your life
Experience freedom from every strife

Let the meditative light
Transform your life; shining bright

I’m blogging for #YouMakeMeWIN to honor a blogger who has influenced me and deserves to be nominated at WIN15.”


  1. Thanks Vyomi for writing a wonderful poetic review of my book 'Japa Meditation - The Easiest Way to Calm the Mind'. The poem is really very beautiful. Thanks for inspiring me for nominating my blog at WIN15! :) I hope your words come true. :))))

  2. I'm so glad you liked the poem!!! Your book is truly wonderful!!! Fingers crossed for you Win!!!! Cheers!!!


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