Haiku: Wooden Sandals

Image result for wooden padukas on the throne
(Image Source)
The Lord's empty throne
Graced by wooden padukas
 A kingdom exiled

This Haiku takes inspiration from the Ramayana, specifically Lord Rama's exile. His loyal brother Bharat ruled the Kingdom of Ayodhya as Rama's regent, refusing to grace the throne during the Lord's (Rama's) fourteen year exile in the jungle.  He placed Lord Rama's wooden sandals (Padukas) on the royal seat, awaiting his return from the forest.

I am eternally grateful to Chèvrefeuille for the daily Haiku prompts at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai


  1. lovely... simple factual thought put in words so beautifully... :)

  2. Very nice Vyomi ... I like the idea of this haiku and its story behind it ... thank you for sharing it with Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.

  3. Thank you so much Kristjaan. I wanted to depict the relevance of wooden sandals here in India and how they are revered. Thank you so much for this wonderful prompt and the amazing effort you put into Carpet Diem Haiku Kai and allow me to explore my creative expression.


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