Bloggers who make me win #YouMakeMeWIN

You Make Me Win

Most writers I know would attest to the fact that writing is a very lonely exercise. Putting yourself out there, in the unforgiving ether of space, for the world to get a glimpse of your thoughts and unique perspective, takes immense courage and conviction in one’s own abilities. 

Getting instant and genuine helpful feedback on your work, a nudge in the right direction when you are struggling with an idea or concept, or just a plain push to write more when you are being simply lazy is a boon for anyone who chooses to wield the pen.

Writing everyday is no mean task; putting in hours of careful consideration to pick topics for your posts. Making sure they are relevant to your audience, beautifully presented, holding reader attention and leave the reader with some food for thought.

Wouldn’t you consider yourself fortunate if you came across a fellow blogger who made your journey so much more enriching just by their presence? You might never have met the person, but a deep connection exists for their creative expression inspires you in more ways than one.

Blogadda has presented bloggers a unique opportunity to honor and appreciate fellow bloggers who are striving really hard to make a difference in our everyday lives with their creative expression.

This blog and blogger duo I’d like to nominate for   #YouMakeMeWIN truly, need no introduction. Their thought provoking articles, heart touching poetry and unbeatable creativity all shine through each and every carefully crafted word in each well thought out post. Who am I talking about? Archana and Desh Kapoor who host this truly wonderful blog called which is a store house of awe inspiring creative expression.

If you are a poetry connoisseur then haiku’s from Archana- fondly called the Haiku diva are a must read here. Words that will touch your soul and bring a smile to your face guaranteed! I’m also a big fan of Desh’s articles on everything under the sun. Inspiring stories from in and around his life and friends, his fresh, unbiased opinion on everything that is taking the world by storm (right from our twitter savvy politicians, to issues affecting our society)  and his latest series which I really look forward to “Places he would like to visit with his wife”. 

Their blog truly demonstrates the spirit of blogging, wining and inspiring fellow bloggers along the journey for Archana is an avid networker who will nudge you to write if you have been missing from the scene, give you relevant and honest feedback to help you get better at your craft and share great tips. It’s been a pleasure sharing my blogging journey with her and I really look forward to meeting the two of them someday!

I'd like to quote one of my earlier Haiku's called Purity for both Archana and Desh for the depth and sincerity of their writing...

Words straight from the heart
Resonating a chord deep
Expression profound! 

I’m blogging for #YouMakeMeWIN to honor a blogger who has influenced me and deserves to be nominated at WIN15.


  1. My dear Vyomi - thank you would be a very small word to express our gratitude for your benevolence and appreciation. Desh and I are truly touched. Love and best wishes, US :)

    P.s. - I won't stop pushing you :-p

    1. Aww..that's really sweet!!! Both of you deserve all the love and joy in the world...Fingers crossed for a big win for Drishti...XOXOXOXOXO

  2. is a store house of some best posts.
    Best Wishes always.


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