Haiku-Sunflower Reflection

Carpe Diem Full Circle #1, Sunflower Reflection

Twelve (12) words (for every ''hour'') one word. 
The goal is to write haiku using the words as given in the clock wise way.
Here are the 12 (twelve) words 

1. sunflower

2. rain storm

3. puddles

4. beach

5. waves

6. making love

7. seagulls

8. rain storm

9. lightning

10. mountain

11. peony

12. nightingale

Haiku-Sunflower Reflection

Small brave sunflower
Weathered the raging rain storm
Petals in puddles

Beach side holiday
Melody of crashing waves
Ripples making love

Seagulls circle in flight
Rain storm roars with thunder
Lightning flashes dance

Mountain in springtime
Pretty peonies in bloom
The Nightingale’s song 


  1. good going Vyomi :-)

    1. Thank you so much!!! I need loads of motivation to keep going! Your comments are a much needed boost!!! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Alok!!!! I'm so glad you liked it!!! :-) :-) :-)
      Made my day!!!

  3. petals in puddles.....beautiful....

  4. What a wonderful series of haiku you have composed here with those twelve words ... really awesome.

    1. Thank you so much!!! I'm really happy you liked it!!!


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