Haiga -The Dance of Thunder

The dance of thunder
Flashes of silver adorn
The deep blue night sky

The dance of thunder
Intermittent claps rattle
Aboard London Eye

The dance of thunder
Lighting up the London sky
Big Ben gleams bright

This picture was taken by your's truly aboard the London Eye on a rainy, stormy evening with a raging thunderstorm a few years ago. A most ill opportune time to catch the splendor of the London Eye. Writing this Haiku made me re-visit the wonderful evening I spent with my brother.  In hindsight this was the most beautiful thunderstorm I've ever had the fortune to experience. 
To lovely memories!!!

             I am eternally grateful to Chèvrefeuille for the daily Haiku prompts at Carpe Diem Haiku KaiThis post is for the Haiku prompt on Carpe Diem Special #144, Kala Ramesh's fifth haiku "thunderclap"


  1. Beautiful words. The click is lovely too! :)
    Stiletto Maniac

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Purba, welcome here! Glad you liked it:-) :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Really glad you liked these lines. :-) :-)

  4. High in the Eye the thunder and lightning would be frightening, I think. Maybe. Maybe not.

    1. Only one capsule was filled. 6 of us in the lonely eye with thunder and lighting! But I'm actually not afraid of storms. It was our only chance to witness the Eye. So we took it cursing our luck. But it was wonderful to see London through the Eye of a storm (Encapsulated)! A most unique and memorable experience.

  5. Lovely, your words give the reader the4 sounds you hear:)

    1. Thank you so much Cheryl for your wonderful comment!!

  6. Great series and what a memory ... fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much Georgia. I'm really humbled with your kind words. :-)

  7. Beautifully expressed! Aptly evokes the feeling of literally being in the eye of a storm! Wonderful!


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