
Do you love a beginning?
And can’t wait to dive in…
A chance to explore
To do something more

Or are you fascinated by the end
Please don’t say “That depends!!!”

A fresh start
Means with some things we must part
A mix of the new and the old
What will this year hold?
Surely that’s a mystery that will slowly unfold

Will inflation ease? Onions stop being such a tease?
And runaway prices give us some much needed peace

Hope the scams give us a breather
Will the air that we breathe ever become cleaner

Or will growth be phenomenal
And yet the world become economical

Or do you think the entire din
Is simply a sin
Can’t every day
Just make us better in some way

For life is a circle
With boundless opportunities we are encircled
So make the most of today
Lest time files away

Well that brings us to the end
Till next month dear friends
We hope that ‘Suryoday in you’
Makes all your dreams come true 


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